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I’m standing at the entrance of CVS, inside the building, but not the store. There is a security camera on the ceiling to my left - I’m definitely within the frame. The store has two entrances/exits, and relative to where I’m standing, one is to my left and the other to my right.


4:25  +1 left

4:26  +1 (basket) left

4:27  +1 right

+1 left

-2 right

4:28  +2 right

-1 right (w/ purchase)

+2 right

4:30  +1 left 

4:31  +1 left

+1 left

+1 left

4:32  +1 left

4:33  -1 right (w/ purchase)

+1 left

An employee came to watch the entrances from inside the store, doing the exact same thing I’m doing, simply separated by two automatic doors - are they watching me?

4:34  +1 right

4:35  -1 right

-2 right (w/ purchase)

4:36  -1 right

-1 right (w/ purchase)

-1 right (w/ purchase)

+1 left

4:37  +1 left

-1 right

+1 left

4:38  +1 left

-1 right (w/ purchase)

4:39  -1 right (w/ purchase)




No one actually looked at the security camera. I was definitely more noticeable than the security camera; so was the employee by the door. It's weird that I was writing down the movement of everyone who walked past me. Somehow I was the self-conscious one even though I was the one watching…

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